A credit card is a financial instrument that has a pre-loaded balance that the cardholder can use to make transactions and pay for them later. The card issuer will let you pay off the balance fully, interest-free, for up to 50 days from the date of payment. To avoid any fines, the cardholder can pay the minimum amount due (which can be anywhere between 5% to 10% on the total amount owed). The balance, however, will be carried forward to the next month, and interest set by the credit card company will be levied.
Business Credit Cards
Secured Credit Cards
Read on to know the criteria required to apply for our Credit Card.
Car loan eligibility is about whether you can get a loan to buy a car. It depends on Credit card eligibility refers to the criteria that an individual must meet in order to qualify for a credit card issued by a financial institution. These criteria can vary between different credit card issuers, but they generally include factors such as: